Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Full of Spunk

Bear Has been Full of energy all day and even all night. He's been climbing all over everything in the garage and that's not like him. It's like he's gotten a burst of feel good energy. He jumped up on the dresser knocked everything off it and took a nap, Jumped on top of his litter box and looks at us bright eyed and happy, Than my husband and I were in the drive way and Bear jumps up on the tires and Meows! Like he's calling, "hey come here!" it was just so cute and I did snap a photo of him, it's not clear but it will do.

I was getting worried about Bear for a couple days. His eyes were getting extremely watery! I started him on 500MG of L-Lysine twice a day. I felt like I was pushing it with the milligrams but I think he was having a Herpes flare up, after 2 days I decided to give him some eye drops for inflammation in his eyes because I noticed the inner eye lid was showing, than I gave him is eye cream from the first Vet visit and finally his eyes clear up, I was so relieved. I can see his pretty green eyes again. He's such a handsome boy.

He also loves having short hair now. I don't know how I'm going to keep it shaved for him. I don't want to take him to get groomed and it stress him out. He seems relieved of the hair by just the way I see him laying sometimes. It's just that "Oh yea, man I feel good" look." lol

Bear is Happy and He's doing good right now!

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